- Large (4,500’ by 1,500’) area west and north of the Ruby Gold-Silver Mine
- Numerous GOLD, SILVER, COPPER and ZINC soil geochemical targets
(see plots below)
- Geophysical interpretation based on recent surveys indicates that Boulder Batholith rocks, hosts to the “ Richest Hill on Earth” at Butte, occur at depth in the RUBY WEST target area
- Numerous I.P. anomalies defined from 2005 surveys
- Potential exists for GOLD, SILVER, and COPPER-bearing veins as well as MULTI-MILLION TON BASE METAL mineralization in this area, where NO previous modern and systematic exploration has been done in the past.
The Ruby West area is geologically and geophysically related to the Ruby Mine area and as such is interpreted to be significant in terms of the potential to host precious and base metal mineralization. Extensive zones of argillic-altered Lowland Creek volcanic rocks characterize the area and this alteration corresponds to historic, untested geophysical anomalies as well as to recent (2005) anomalies defined by detailed I.P. surveys.
When the recent MMI soil geochemical results are overlain on the I.P. survey chargeability and resistivity data there is a correlation between high Au and Cu with chargeability highs and resistivity lows. This is interpreted to represent base and precious metal sulphide mineralization in altered Lowland Creek and/or Boulder Batholith host rocks. These results are depicted in the figures below.